Mordechai Katash Mordechai Katash

Blog #8: Governance as the Keystone: Cultivating a Culture of Integrity in Organisations

At its core, integrity involves honesty, but it extends beyond truthfulness to embody the wholeness of a person's character. It is about being true to oneself and maintaining consistency in actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. As an example, Integrity can be seen when individuals act according to their beliefs and values across all aspects of life, demonstrating reliability, trustworthiness, and fairness in personal, communal and professional contexts.

Last week I wrote an article on UBSS Blog:

Summary: “Integrity stands as a core principle in the very essence of ethical living and moral philosophy. It is an attribute that finds high regard among individuals and collective entities.”

“governance's role in cultivating a culture of integrity is intricate and imperative. It entails setting the ethical framework, creating definitive policies, fostering accountability, ensuring transparency, and enabling ethical decision-making processes. Robust governance infrastructure is indispensable for fostering a culture within an organisation that not only values but actively practices integrity.”

For the full article:

Written by: Associate Professor Mordechai Katash

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