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Blog #2: To Risk or Not to Risk: The Paradox of Risk Management in Business

Blog #2: In the complex world of modern business, the concept of risk stands as both a formidable adversary and a catalyst for innovation. Business owners, directors, and stakeholders are often caught in the dilemma of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit amongst their staff while safeguarding their companies from potential harm. This paradox of risk management prompts a critical question: To risk, or not to risk?

To Risk or Not to Risk: The Paradox of Risk Management in Business

In the complex world of modern business, the concept of risk stands as both a formidable adversary and a catalyst for innovation. Business owners, directors, and stakeholders are often caught in the dilemma of fostering an entrepreneurial spirit amongst their staff while safeguarding their companies from potential harm. This paradox of risk management prompts a critical question: To risk, or not to risk?

Understanding the Types of Risks

Before delving into the strategy of managing risks, it's essential to recognise the various types that businesses may encounter:

  • Operational Risks: Challenges arising from internal processes, systems, or human factors.

  • Financial Risks: The danger of financial loss due to market fluctuations, credit issues, or liquidity problems.

  • Strategic Risks: Risks associated with business decisions and strategy implementation.

  • Compliance Risks: The risk of legal or regulatory sanctions, financial forfeiture, or material loss due to non-compliance with laws, regulations, or standards.

  • Reputational Risks: The potential loss resulting from damages to a firm's reputation, affecting its ability to maintain current or establish new business relationships and engagements.

  • Market Risks: The risk of losses in positions arising from movements in market prices.

  • Environmental Risks: Risks related to environmental issues that can affect the business operationally and financially.

  • Social Risks: The impacts on a company due to changes in social trends, public opinion, or social conflicts.

Strategies for Addressing Risks

To navigate the complex landscape of risk, organisations must adopt a comprehensive approach. This involves several key steps:

  • Communicate and Consult the Risks: Engage stakeholders throughout the risk management process.

  • Establish Risk Scope, Context, and Criteria: Define the parameters within which risks will be managed.

  • Identify the Risks: Recognise what risks exist and their origins.

  • Analyse the Risks: Understand the nature of the risk and its potential impact.

  • Evaluate the Risks: Compare the level of risk against predefined criteria to prioritize.

  • Address the Risks: Implement strategies to mitigate, transfer, avoid, or accept risks based on their evaluation.

  • Report and Record the Risks: Document the risk management process and outcomes.

  • Monitor and Review the Risks: Continuously assess risk management activities and adjust as necessary.

Measuring and Calculating Risks

A balanced approach to risk involves both qualitative and quantitative analysis to assess the likelihood and impact of risks. This includes evaluating the probability of occurrence and the frequency of exposure to risks. The impact of risks is categorized into five levels ranging from insignificant to catastrophic, enabling organisations to prioritise and address them effectively.

Conclusion: Embracing Risk for Innovation

The essence of risk management lies not in the avoidance of risk but in its strategic embrace. As Bruce Arians, the NFL Head Coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Super Bowl Champions in 2021, famously said, "No risk it, no biscuit." This stresses the absolute necessity of taking calculated risks to foster innovation and growth. By employing a structured and measured approach to risk management, organisations can navigate the precarious balance between security and entrepreneurial freedom, ensuring that the risks they take are not just necessary, but beneficial for their evolution and success.

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Blog #1: Associate Professor Appointment at UBSS

Blog #1: Emeritus Professor Greg Whateley, and Associate Professor Mordechai Katash

Exactly a week ago, I expected an offer from UBSS Australia and accepted the position of Associate Professor.

As posted on LinkedIn:

Today I am delighted to share with you all that I have accepted the leadership position of Associate Professor and Associate Program Director, Undergraduate at UBSS Australia, where I also teach in the MBA Program.

I wish to express a special thanks to Emeritus Professor Greg Whateley and Associate Professor Tom O’Connor, who have given me the opportunity. Thank you so much for your trust and for having me on your talented and esteemed academic team.

Further, I would also like to thank my dear colleagues for welcoming me with open arms to the family. You are truly amazing!

Associate Professor Seán O’Hanlon
Associate Professor Dr Cyril Jankoff
Associate Professor Wayne Smithson
Assistant Professor Gabrielle Whateley
Assistant Professor Marcela O'Connor
Assistant Professor Veronica Sorace
Ms Jaspreet Kaur
Mr Robert Lu

Finally, I am truly humbled by the opportunity to teach, coach and develop emerging talent, Australia’s next generation of Executives and Board Members.

Proverbs 9:9 “Give instruction to a wise man and he will be still wiser, teach a righteous man and he will increase his learning.”

Associate Professor Mordechai Katash

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